
Showing posts from April, 2020
Normal? So here we are...weeks into the Covid-19 lockdown.  There's so much to say about it,  and I think most of it has probably already been said.   My own state, New Jersey, appears finally to have rounded the bend, so to speak,  and we're hopeful that the numbers of positive cases and deaths will  begin to decrease.  Still,  it may be a long time before things get back to normal. And that word "normal" is the reason for this particular blog.   What's the "normal" that we hope for?  Is it to return to things just as they were?  Or has this forced retreat from the life we're accustomed to,  perhaps been an opportunity to do a little visioning,  a little re-thinking, of what life can be?  Many people have found themselves with a lot of extra time on their hands during this stay-home time.  If you find  yourself in that situation,  grab a few minutes of that extra time,  sit quietly...